Community car sharing

A Teviot Electric Car Club vehicle charging

Community car clubs

A community car club is a local, member-based initiative that provides access to self-service, pay as you drive, low-carbon vehicles. Often community car clubs are run by local groups to support their communities. It’s a convenient and affordable way of using a car, without the expense and hassle of owning one.

Guidance documents

CoMoUK have developed a number of resources to support community car clubs from advice on telematics, back-office systems, marketing and examples of business models. These resources and case studies can be found below:

Telematics and back office systems for community car clubs

This guidance document is designed to support the development of community car clubs and the management of their operations. It looks at booking and billing, features for unlocking the vehicles telematics (and what this means), and exploring whether a combination of available solutions can offer effective and affordable solutions.


Peer-to-Peer Car Sharing Guidance


Marketing Support Guide

In 2018 CoMoUK worked to explore how best to engage the public with car clubs, from this the toolkit was developed. The toolkit includes a guide for; developing an engagement plan, creating content and making the most of press releases and social media.


Informal car sharing


Case studies - community cars

Support from CoMoUK

CoMoUK can provide advice, support and share best practice for the set-up and continued management of community car clubs. To find out more and enquire about how we can help you, please get in touch using the link below.

Community car and bike share forum

We run a quarterly online meet up for communities interested in the latest developments around car and bike share schemes. To find out more and request an invitation to join us please email us using the link below.

Contact us

Community car club accreditation

We developed our basic level accreditation for community groups where it is not possible to fit the full application standards. If you have any questions about applying for accreditation please get in touch or visit the car club accreditation page using the link below to learn more.

Learn more
Three woman share a lift in a private car

Ride sharing

Ride sharing – where two or more people share a car – can be a great option within communities. For more information on the services available, please visit our main website pages.

Shared rides - learn more
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