We are delighted to join CoMoUK as Associate Members, having set up Future Motion in 2021 with the specific aim of providing support to companies in and around the electric and shared mobility space, at a time where the sector feels to be booming once again.
In our experience, the mobility sector is somewhat cyclical – new models and deployment opportunities open up, the local team work to a brief of rapid expansion and growth, and as the securing of opportunities naturally becomes more competitive and challenging, the focus of investors invariably shifts further down the P&L and the measures of success and ‘market potential’ can somewhat dramatically change.
I’ve lived through this “top line, bottom line and back again” focus cycle within the two car sharing companies I’ve previously managed, with added extremity in recent times thanks to the opportunities and myriad of challenges presented by the Covid-19 pandemic. But even putting freak occurrences aside, the spinning of those two major plates – aggressive top-line growth and careful bottom-line protection – ultimately presents a natural conflict for every GM, MD and Country Manager at some point. This is particularly true of the UK market, where operating conditions are trickier than most other markets requiring high resource levels and the associated cost base.
Future Motion was borne out of my experiences of these cycles and those of my partners; the Sustainable Ventures Group who (amongst many other things) originally founded E-Car Club, and have gone on to offer a broad range of support to mobility companies of all shapes and sizes. We’ve got hands-on experience in strategies to maximise the top line (managing car sharing fleets that have sustained revenues beyond the holy grail of four figures per car month for example). And whilst the bottom line is clearly always important, we’ve lived through moments where macro factors have put operational processes and costs particularly under the microscope too, leading to much optimisation throughout businesses we’ve founded and run, and those we now support.
Having launched just 9 months ago, we’re now supporting a number of UK and international players, typically taking on projects to develop key areas of focus relating to every part of the cycle; from growth and expansion through to sales, marketing and the broad spectrum of operations.
If you would like to find out more please visit our website or indeed reach out for an initial chat.
by Patrick Cresswell, Managing Director – Future Motion