Starting and running successful schemes

Guidance on car club procurement

CoMoUK has gathered experience from stakeholders across the car club sector to create best practice in developing successful schemes.

This renewed guidance sets out strategies for maximising the contribution towards a range of key policy goals as well as laying out updated options for public bodies in designing successful procurement strategies. The guidance explores how to avoid common pitfalls and support local authority officers through the development process.

Car club guidance for local authorities

Ingredients for car club growth

We thought it would be helpful to put what we see as the key ingredients of car club growth together in a graphic for all to use (with a credit to us as its source).

You will see we think there is a need for authorities to coordinate support across the transport, planning, fleet management, travel planning, parking and communications teams to create the right eco-system for car club success.

New developments and shared transport: cutting car dependency

This report looks at how to deliver more pleasant, lower carbon neighbourhoods with lower levels of private car ownership and greater use of sustainable transport use. It includes case studies from across the country where this is in action.

New Developments Guidance

Driving London Forward

Driving London Forward is ground-breaking work from CoMoUK with associate members Steer on the potential for future car club services in the city.

Take a look to see how we calculated this, as well as our recommendations on the policies our capital city needs in relation to car club to take even more private cars off London’s roads.

Employers action kit

This ground-breaking action kit for employers about how shared transport can fit into wider packages of options that decarbonise staff, visitor, supply chain and patient travel.

It has a range of fascinating case studies to take inspiration from and how to identify goals, assess patterns, choose changes and make a success of them.

Employers may also wish to utilise the Way to Work website; aimed at those in Scotland but with useful information for all.

Shared transport: an action kit for employers

Electric Vehicles in Car Clubs

Read our brand-new report on the status quo for EVs in car clubs and the steps we think need to be taken to ensure the UK gets the most out of virtuous circle of offering people much cheaper, occasional access to EVs rather than solely focussing on privately-owned EVs.

Electric Vehicles in Car Clubs

Peer-to-peer car sharing

Peer-to-peer car sharing is the 'Airbnb' version, whereby users hire another private individuals' car via the peer-to-peer platform. Our explanatory guidance has more detail.

Peer-to-Peer Car Sharing Guidance

Community car clubs

A community car club is a local, member-based initiative that provides access to self-service, pay as you drive vehicles. If you would like to find out more about community car clubs we have a dedicated page.


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